🏝️ We've Got Spirits, Yes We Do... 2017, 1-4 players Complexity: HEAVY Games--not just tabletop games, but video games as well--are increasingly about ideas. Modern gaming puts more emphasis on tying theme to gameplay and using gameplay to have something to say about the ideas at the core of its theme. This can be subtle, as in the way Megacity Oceania is premised around a world flooded by rising sea levels, or it can be not so subtle, as in CO2 , where the point of the game is to create green energy production to stave off a climate disaster. In addition, recent changes in popular attitudes to the West's imperial past have cast games like Twilight Imperium or Catan in a new light--games where exploiting scarce resources is at the heart of gameplay and the game is themed explicitly around colonization. Spirit Island is an attempt to shift that paradigm. Instead of asking how people can compete most aggressively against each other, Spirit Island asks ...
Be the strange you want to see in the world